Aug 28, 2021 BM - Find Everything in Christ in Order to Save the World (Col. 2:8-9)
Aug 28, 2021 BIM - Find Everything in Christ in Order to Save the World (Col. 2:8-9)
You must use the church in order to save your country. It can’t be done with anything else. It must be accomplished by utilizing the Gospel. In doing so, a future will exist. A future without the Gospel will certainly come as a problem.
Paul confessed in Colossians 2:8-9 that everything was in Christ. Let’s discover those reasons why.
▣ Introduction_ The Gospel
1. Edit – You must edit your God-given Word.
2. Plan – You must enjoy your God-given prayer.
3. Design – This is your God-given evangelism.
※ The standard of edit; plan; and design is discovering that “Everything is inside of Christ.” At this time, the correct interpretation will emerge and your eyes to see the church will change. If you’re imprinted with something else, you won’t be able to save your country. In particular, a future won’t exist and you won’t be able to avoid disasters.
▣ Main – Three Reasons
1. The Responsibility of Christianity – Relaying the Gospel
1) Failing to Tell about Traps – Satan has dug traps by using what is good. (3, 6, and 11)
2) Failing to tell about the Frames of Disasters – Everything has been created as the masterpieces of the Nephilim.
3) Getting Caught in Snares and Failing to Escape – Failing to Tell about the Six Fates
※ For Paul who confessed Colossians 2:8~9, God entrusted the future to him. By accurately holding onto the future, you’ll be able to interpret “today” and any sufferings.
2. The Mission of Christianity – The Content of the Gospel
1) Why did Israel face the seven great disasters and when were they resolved?
2) After realizing that answer, the “7 Grand Journeys” were revealed within the Gospel.
3) Up to now, God’s Word that you’ve received and edited has allowed you to see the “12 Ages.”
The fact that “everything is within the Gospel” must be edited into your life. (Imprints) The reality is difficult; however, this is the time to become rooted. Answers will emerge, so your God-given evangelism will become an integral part of your life. (Nature)
3. The Goal of Christianity – Becoming a Witness
1 ) M a t t h e w 2 8 : 1 6 ~ 2 0 ( Ve r s e s 1 8 a n d 2 0 – 3 Transcendences: the Throne, Time and Space, and 237)
2) Mark 16:15~20 (Verses 17~18 - Healing: All people are enslaved to Satan. They’re being deceived by evil spirits and dying.)
3) Acts 1:8 (By becoming the Spiritual Summit, you can save the world.)
▣ Conclusion_ Seeing What Came after (The Future)
1. Jochebed, Jethro, and Rahab
2. Hannah, Jesse, Obadiah, and Babylon (boldly stood before death)
3. The Early Church – In Particular, Rome as Seen by Paul
By misunderstanding Christ, you’ll go down a very wrong path. Ultimately, the future will become a problem.
You must use the church in order to save your country. It can’t be done with anything else. It must be accomplished by utilizing the Gospel. In doing so, a future will exist. A future without the Gospel will certainly come as a problem.
Paul confessed in Colossians 2:8-9 that everything was in Christ. Let’s discover those reasons why.
▣ Introduction_ The Gospel
1. Edit – You must edit your God-given Word.
2. Plan – You must enjoy your God-given prayer.
3. Design – This is your God-given evangelism.
※ The standard of edit; plan; and design is discovering that “Everything is inside of Christ.” At this time, the correct interpretation will emerge and your eyes to see the church will change. If you’re imprinted with something else, you won’t be able to save your country. In particular, a future won’t exist and you won’t be able to avoid disasters.
▣ Main – Three Reasons
1. The Responsibility of Christianity – Relaying the Gospel
1) Failing to Tell about Traps – Satan has dug traps by using what is good. (3, 6, and 11)
2) Failing to tell about the Frames of Disasters – Everything has been created as the masterpieces of the Nephilim.
3) Getting Caught in Snares and Failing to Escape – Failing to Tell about the Six Fates
※ For Paul who confessed Colossians 2:8~9, God entrusted the future to him. By accurately holding onto the future, you’ll be able to interpret “today” and any sufferings.
2. The Mission of Christianity – The Content of the Gospel
1) Why did Israel face the seven great disasters and when were they resolved?
2) After realizing that answer, the “7 Grand Journeys” were revealed within the Gospel.
3) Up to now, God’s Word that you’ve received and edited has allowed you to see the “12 Ages.”
The fact that “everything is within the Gospel” must be edited into your life. (Imprints) The reality is difficult; however, this is the time to become rooted. Answers will emerge, so your God-given evangelism will become an integral part of your life. (Nature)
3. The Goal of Christianity – Becoming a Witness
1 ) M a t t h e w 2 8 : 1 6 ~ 2 0 ( Ve r s e s 1 8 a n d 2 0 – 3 Transcendences: the Throne, Time and Space, and 237)
2) Mark 16:15~20 (Verses 17~18 - Healing: All people are enslaved to Satan. They’re being deceived by evil spirits and dying.)
3) Acts 1:8 (By becoming the Spiritual Summit, you can save the world.)
▣ Conclusion_ Seeing What Came after (The Future)
1. Jochebed, Jethro, and Rahab
2. Hannah, Jesse, Obadiah, and Babylon (boldly stood before death)
3. The Early Church – In Particular, Rome as Seen by Paul
By misunderstanding Christ, you’ll go down a very wrong path. Ultimately, the future will become a problem.