
Aug 28, 2021 Study of Evangelism - Evangelism in the Contact-Free Age (Acts 1:1)

Aug 28, 2021 Study of Evangelism - Evangelism in the Contact-Free Age (Acts 1:1)

The Old Testament (the prophecies) states that Christ will be sent, and the four Gospels explain that fulfillment. The rest are the documents of witnesses, and that begins with the book of Acts.

The term “Christ” was first used when evidences began.

Acts 1:1 states, “In the first book, O Theophilus...” that first book refers to the Gospel of Luke. From that point on, Luke meant that he would write about the events that arose after Christ's resurrection and about the promises that He had made to them.

That’s the reason why the book of Acts is so important.

It’s easy to lose hold of the crucial points found throughout the Bible and in church history. That’s why it must be “Evangelism in the Contact-Free Age.”

▣ Main_ What Kind of Preparations Must Be Made?

1. Media Movement

1) Martin Luther's translation of the Bible was a tremendous contact-free form of media.

2) The spirituality movement of the three organizations have applied and systemized the use of media.

3) It is the contact-free era war or in other words, it is the Internet war.

2. The Start of Media Evangelism – In order to do great works regarding evangelism, pay close attention to the following:

1) The Pentateuch

2) The Major and Minor Prophets

3) The Epistles

These were the forms of media used during those times. Contact-free media evangelism first took place in the Bible.

3. The Conclusion of Contact-Free Evangelism – This is how you must prepare for media evangelism.

1) What kind of concept must be used?

(1) It must align with the 237.

(2) It must align with healing because people are spiritually diseased.

(3) The concept is to raise the Summit in order to save the posterity.

2) Following the concept, what content must be used?

(1) The 7 Grand Journeys

(2) The 12 Ages

3) What kind of system must be implemented? - OTP (One Time Pass)

▣ Conclusion_ What must you be careful of? 「The Message」

1. Misunderstandings of the Past –

You can mistakenly relay the core of the Gospel.

Ex.) acceptance

2. You must pray for the Darakbang organization.

You have to make certain that this movement which you’re doing right now stands upright throughout history.

Furthermore, you have the responsibility of relaying this movement to the posterity.

The original author’s name must be written to ensure that he or she is properly recognized throughout history.

Because differences in points of views can arise, the name of the person who compiled or adapted the writings must also be included.

3. If this is an organization that will do world evangelization, then it must make important preparations.

When you cite or write materials, make the process entirely legal by first receiving permission; citing the sources; and making any necessary payments. On the bottom of the page for all resources and materials prepared within this organization, make sure to write:World Evangelization Evangelism Alliance, Inc.
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