
Sep 11, 2021 Study of Evangelism - The Evangelist and the RTS Movement(2 Timothy 2:1-7 )


The evangelist and the RTS movement must raise a figure like Timothy. This will be the theme for 2023. It is the “system of 25.”

▣ Introduction_ The “System of 25” can be expressed as the evangelism movement.

▷Evangelism is going inside of God’s works. You aren’t doing it. The works that you do won’t bear any fruit. Evangelism is remaining inside of God’s time schedule.

1. Although the 7 Remnants were in extreme situations, they testified of God’s works.

They enjoyed and saw the “system of 25.”

2. Jesus Himself spoke about the works of God’s Kingdom. This is “25,” evangelism, and answers.

(These answers occurred in the Mt. of Olives and Mark’s upper room. They were also the places where the promised Holy Spirit came.)

3. Paul and the Members of the Church in Antioch enjoyed these blessings.

▷It has always been the predecessor and the junior and the teacher and the disciple (student).

In seminary, older pastors tell their younger counterparts about their experiences and the grace they’ve received from God. That is the essence of seminary.

▣ Main_ The Predecessor – The Junior (Elijah and Elisha) and The Teacher – The Disciple (Student) (Samuel and David)

1. Moses and Joshua

“Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.” It’s “24,” but the answer is “25.”

God is with you. Is there a greater strength than this?

2. Samuel and David

The key here is the restoration of the covenant and 1 Samuel 16:13. After David received Samuel’s message, “And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward."

3. Elijah and Elisha

The most important key was, “Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.”

4. Those who understood Isaiah’s message went to Babylon. - The Babylon disciples relayed answers to kings.

5. Paul and His Disciples

The common factor among the soldier, the athlete, and the farmer is “always.”

▣ Conclusion – Those Who Saw “25” in Advance

This is the common factor among the 7 Remnants and the leaders who taught them. They were the ones who saw in advance the disciples who would arise throughout the nation and the world. They know “what’s necessary and what isn’t.” They know the reason for giving offering. Those who know this will do missions.
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