
2021.10.16 Study of Evangelism - The Field into the Summit (Acts 19:1-7)

You must make the “field” into the Summit. You don't have to show that you’re the Summit. When you go into the evangelism field, you’ll face many people and circumstances. You accept and transcend everything. Whether everything is wrong or right, they aren’t the answer. There’s something else that you must see.

▣ Introduction_ Eyes for Evangelism: You must want to see what God wants.

1. Accurately see the present reality. There are different facts and a hidden truth. Keep these three in mind and look at the spiritual facts. In doing so, you’ll see God’s plan.

2. You’ll see the rightfulness regarding problems and answers. That’s you’ve made it this far. That is the inevitability. In doing so, you’ll see the goal given by God. And that’s absoluteness.

3. Then, your methods and occupation will become “only,” “uniqueness,” and “re-creation.” This is the start of evangelism.

▣ Main_ God’s Schedule Regarding Evangelism

1. Things to Enjoy First

Because Paul and his team knew about the content in the introduction, they did that first.

1) Acts 13:1-4 - They strived to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

2) Acts 16:6-10 - Before Going to Macedonia

3) Acts 19:1-7 - Before Doing the Tyrannus Movement & Before Going to Rome / This in itself was an answer and blessing.

The common traits of 1), 2), & 3): The same works arose in Mark’s upper room. These works arise even today.

2. The Field Summit – Made by “Only,” “Uniqueness,” and “Re-Creation” (OUR) Is Seen

Because you’ve seen “only,” “uniqueness” and “re-creation,” they’ll be applied in the field.

1) Acts 13:5-12 - The biggest problem in that village was resolved.

2) Acts 16:16-18 – It was something that nobody else could do.

3) Acts 19:8-20 - These works arose.

3. The Summit after the Field: The Answer of the Summit Continued

When this takes place, you have to come out and go elsewhere. There are many other places waiting.

1) Acts 13:12 - He was the proconsul, and he completely realized.

2) Acts 16:19-40 - After healing the demon-possessed girl, Paul and his team were imprisoned. Because Paul saw the Summit who was beyond the field, he didn’t reveal that he was a Roman citizen. As a result, works arose in prison.

3) Acts 19:21 “I must also see Rome.”

▣ Conclusion

1. Everything is inside of this. (Evangelism) Evangelism is the time schedule for bringing about all of God's works of salvation.

2. Because world evangelization will take place, everything will follow.

3. God gives you everything because of disciples.

▷In this age where churches are closing their doors, you must grab hold of this covenant. Sunday Schools are disappearing. Even one person is enough, so hold onto the covenant.
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