
2021.10.24 2nd Service - David Who Enjoyed the Hardships (Psalms 23:1-6)

▷ Who receives hardships? They can come by accident or they can be given by Satan. David’s hardship were given by God.

▣ Introduction_ The Hardships Given by God (An Important Reason)

▷ When you receive God-given suffering, you’ll receive blessings. Suffering for God is a blessing. All you have to do is realize and correct your accidental sufferings. Suffering given by Satan is a bit more serious. However, suffering given by God has its own characteristic. There is always an important reason for the suffering given by God.

1. Israel – Lost Hold of the Covenant - Visible to David

2. Philistia - Continued to Attack - Israel Co ntinued to Suffer

3. God Called David – In this manner, hardships will become great blessings.

▷ The Things That You Must Teach first

1. Psalm 78:70-72 - (When David was alone, he was equipped with two things simultaneously.)

- Faith & Skills / Spirituality & Intellect / Prayer & Shepherding

2. 1 Samuel 16:1-13 - (Priest Samuel called David and told him what θ (God) desired.)

- “And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.

3. 1 Samuel 17:1-47 - (During the most difficult time, David was instructed to run errands.)

- The place where Goliath was destroyed wasn’t the issue, more important were the teachings of the parents. Errands were important.

4. 1 Samuel 18:6-9 - (Saul...thousands & David...ten thousands.)

- Most people get excited here and try to become popular. David did not waver here.

5. Psalm 23:1-6 (David’s Confession / David enjoyed hardships.)

- The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want. I lack nothing. Even though I walk through the valley of shadow and death I shall fear no evil for your rod and staff comforts me. I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

▣ Main_ Before Going out into the World – Teach 3 Things

1. Don’t Be Deceived

1) Don’t be deceived by reality.

2) Don’t be deceived by people’s words.

3) Don’t be deceived by the works of evil spirits.

2. Things to Enjoy – How did David enjoy hardships?

1) 1 Samuel 19:8-10 - David dodged a spear that was thrown by King Saul. - He forged a deep friendship with Jonathan.

2) Assassins – David made a doll and placed it in his bed.

3) The Cave of En Gedi (Ch. 24) - In the cave, David cut off the hem of King Saul's robe. He did not kill King Saul.

4) The Mountains of Hakilah (Ch. 26) - David stole the guards’ water bottles and spears.

5) Philistia (Ch. 27) - Fled to Philistia and acted like a madman to survive. (1 Samuel 21:13)

▷ RTs, when extreme difficulties come, think of them as if you’re making a movie. Think of yourself as the main character. RTs, don't be fooled; instead, and enjoy everything. That is the prayers of those who remain, the pilgrim, and the conqueror.

3. The Things to Prepare

1) Enjoy “today” as the future.

2) Enjoy “today” by drawing close the future.

3) Prepare what God desired the most. - Prepare the Temple

▣ Conclusion_ Psalm 23

1. “The Lord is my shepherd.” - Who is the master of your life? Unbelievers - “Me” - They’ll be 100 percent seized by Satan.

2. The Things That You Don’t Need (Ps. 23:1) - David didn’t need anything because he confessed, “The Lord is my shepherd.” What David Didn’t Need – King Saul Needed

3. The Things That You Need - “Your rod and staff comfort me.” David didn’t need what King Saul needed.

▷ If you look at how others enjoy suffering, you’ll know whether that person has a future or not. That’s why the suffering given by God is very happy and a blessing. All the figures in the Bible were thankful in the midst of difficulties.
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