
2021.11.20 Study of Evangelism - Evangelists Who Enjoyed the Blessing of the Throne (Matthew 10:7)

Matthew 10:7 states, “The kingdom of heaven is near.” When Jesus came, God’s Kingdom also came.

▣ Introduction_ All Businesses, churches, and individuals must do the following:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Centered on the Minority

(12 Apostles)

Centered on the 70 Workers (Centered on Church Officers)

Centered on RTs and

Associate Pastors


Less than 100

More than 100

1,000 – 10,000명

* Be Careful – Like the Early Church, build 70 regional churches without being noticed, without buildings, and without a system. Don’t gather on the Lord’s Day. Go to your own church.

* One (70 Regional Churches) is the “first large district.”

1. Stage 1 – Less than 100 – Be centered on the minority. (12 Apostles ). Centered on pastors, members won’t exceed 100.

2. Stage 2 – More than 100 – Be centered on the 70 workers. (Church Officers). The 70 workers were spread out and more workers were raised. Apostles helped the 70 workers.

3. Stage 3 – Centered on RTs and Associate Pastors – Saw the field and globalization. More than 1,000 –Prepare a System

1) Associate Pastors – Raise 70 regional churches. - Become head pastors and receive equal pay as other head pastors.

2) Be Careful:

(1) Like the Early Church, build 70 regional churches without being noticed, without buildings, and without a system. Don’t gather on the Lord’s Day. Go to your own church.

(2) Don’t gather on the Lord’s Day. Go to your own church.

3) Spread Three Word Movements - Messages regarding multiethnic people, healing, and the Remnant.

4) A Large District System – One regional church can be the “first large district.” 

▷ Church officers to save the fields must arise. Associate pastors and Remnants must arise to save the future. If these words aren’t correctly understood, problems within Korean churches and the world will not be resolved.

▣ Main_ The goal is to establish God’s Kingdom on earth.

▷ Realistically, messages regarding multiethnic people, healing, and Remnants are non-existent in the field. Associate pastors must build 70 regional churches, become head pastors, and save the field. People are eagerly waiting.

1. Disciple

1) Matt. 10:7 & 42 - “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” “And whoever gives...even a cup of cold water...will by no means lose his reward.”

2) Ac. 1:3 – For forty days, Jesus spoke about the works of God’s Kingdom.

3) Ac. 2:1-3 – God’s Kingdom came upon Mark’s upper room.

2. Peter

1) Ac. 3:1-12 – Raised a lame man who sat at the Beautiful Gate.

2) Ac. 12:1-25 – When apostles faced death, church officers gathered and enjoyed a tremendous message.

3) 1 Pet. 2:9 - “That you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

3. Paul

1) Ac. 9:1-15 – Confirmed why he was called.

2) Ac. 13, 16, & 19 - Healed the urgently waiting field.

3) Phil. 3:8-21 - Mostly detail the background of God’s Kingdom.

▣ Conclusion_ The Reason Why God Used Paul

1. Ac. 2:1-13, 13:1-4, & 19:1-7 (237) - Ac. 2:1-13 – The same answer arose in the missions field. It began with Acts 13:1-4 and again in Acts 19:1-7.

2. Ac. 13, 16, & 19 (Healing) - In these regions that were completely seized by darkness, Paul began healing those in the field by relaying God’s Kingdom.

3. Ac. 17:1, 18:4, & 19:8 (The Summit) - Plowed into Synagogues

▷ 237, healing, and the Summit will never change. Evangelists must open their spiritual eyes. Associate pastors must spread the Word movement in 70 regions. You must save the fields. Ninety percent of churches will never become independent. Have great expectations regarding God’s grace for next year.
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