
2021.11.27 Core - A System that Transcends Time and Space (Acts 2:9-11)

Without the answer of transcendence, you cannot do world evangelization. The kind of system that you create is important. The people of Acts 2 created this organization. Comforatbly breathe while doing 24-hr prayer.

▣ Introduction_ Prayer

1. Trinity - Gives 5 Powers → The Prayer of 9 Settings → 3 Ages Will Open → Your Boundary

2. In – Set Internally, at church, & in the Field

3. Destiny - Me, My Field, & People – Destiny Changes

▷ Apply it 300%

▣ Main_ 3 Answers

1. God’s Things → Accurate Word – Continuation

1) 3 Transcendences → In You

2) 9 Settings → Platform, Watchtower, & Antenna

3) 3 Ages – Unprecedented and Never-Repeated Answer

2. Jobs –Contain God’s Masterpiece

1) Ro. 16:1-2 – Phoebe

2) Ro. 16:3-4 - Priscilla & Aquila

3) Ro. 16:23 Gaius’ Wealth & Organization

3. Evidences - Witness : You’ll be used for evangelism.

1) Ac. 2:9-11 – Give & Receive Influence in 70 Areas

2) Ac. 2:41 – 3,000 Disciples arose.

3) Ac. 6:7 – Priests repented.

4) Ac. 13, 16, & 19 – Word Movement – True Healing

5) Ac. 17:1, 18:4, & 19:8 – Revived – RTs & Associate Pastors

▣ Conclusion_ Don’t worry about three things.

1. Persecution – Contain Tremendous Answers

2. Povery and Impotentence – Be filled with God’s things.

3. Tests, Conflicts, & Crises – God’s Time Schedule of Rightfulness, Inevitability, and Absoluteness
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