
2021.12.4 World Church Officer Conference - Lec. 2 Establish the Throne with the Business in 70 Places (Acts 2:14-21)

When God called the church officers of the Early Church, God had already called them to be people who embraced the world. Luke 10:10-20 - Raise 70 workers to see the field. Matthew 28:16-20 – After the Resurrection, “Teach them to obey.” It meant to make others enjoy the blessing of 70 workers, too. Acts 2:41 - 3,000 disciples arose when the Gospel was completely blocked. Acts 4:4 – 5,000 disciples arose. Acts 11:19 –A door was opened. A great multitude of disciples gathered in Antioch. 「God established His throne in your business.」 Businesses were established in the throne in 70 different places. Your businesses must go to the extent of establishing disciples in 70 different places. “May 70 disciples arise in 70 places. Bless my business to be established in the throne and become globalized in 70 places.”

▣ Introduction – The Reason for Urgency

1. The Nephilim have already carried out this work.

The first age is to save ministers.

Acts 2:14-21 - The message from the throne was relayed to Peter. There were church officers from fifteen nations. Priscilla and Aquila were within this. It was the fulfillment of God’s promise to prophet Joel. More importantly, God made them accurately see the future through the blessing of the throne.

2. The 3 Organizations have established Nephilim businesses.

“Triune God, may Your ‘5 Powers’ truly come upon me. May I be established with the ‘9 settings.’” “May I have the setting of the ‘3 Ages’ in me and may my business save 70 places.”

3. The age of disasters has come.

This is a result of shunning God’s Word and looking down on the Gospel. That’s the reason why God has called you. You don’t need any power at all. The only power that you need comes down from the throne.

▣ Main

1. Once a year concentrate on the establishment of the throne to raise 70 Disciples. (Acts 1:14).

Just hold onto the message and pray during the New Year’s Prayer Worship.

1) Calvary (Acts 1:1) - The problems that yo could never resolve on your own were completely finished by Jesus. Do you still have problems? That’s the start.

2) Mt. of Olives (Acts 1:3) - Change your method of prayer. You don’t need prayer topics. “Only God’s Kingdom,” and the works of His Kingdom are establishing the throne. In order to save 70 regions, may my business be established in the throne.”

3) Mark’s Upper Room (Acts 1:8) - If you concentrate on the evidences that you’ve received until now, God is bound to give you new evidences.

2. Do this every week. (Acts 2:9-11 & Acts 2:42) - Businesses with the Establishment of the Throne

1) God will give you the answer that transcends Jewish people and Rome.

2) The Pulpit (Acts 2:17-18) - Try connecting the pulpit message with the headquarters’ message. Then, connect it to the field and pray. You’ll see a great stream. “Prophecy, see visions, and dream dreams.”

3) The pulpit message will be connected to your field and business.

3. Change this blessing into “every day.”

1) The Word and your reality will align. 3,000 disciples will arise.

2) The Word and the economy will align. This is called the “economy of light.” (Acts 2:43-45)

3) Your important business will align with evangelism. (Acts 2:46-47).

▣ Conclusion (The Study of Evangelism Message)_ Problems, Conflicts, and Crises – God’s method to open the doors to 70 workers.

▷ The most important among these is crises. People who try to avoid problems, conflicts, and crises live a third-rate life. People who think of problems, conflicts, and crises as being very difficult live a second-rate life. God’s plans are within problems, conflicts, and crises. People who enjoy those live a first-rate life. Don’t be afraid of problems, conflicts, and crises. All plans are in within them.

1. The Start – Problems, conflicts, and crises are the start to receive answers, renewal, and opportunities.

1) Matt. 12:1-47 - The Jewish people continually drove these tremendous problems, conflicts, and crises to themselves.

2) Matt. 13:1-13 – Jesus used parables.

3) Matt. 16:13-20 - Jesus got their confession of faith in the most problematic region.

4) Matt. 17:1-9 - Jesus took him to the Mt. of Transfiguration.

5) Matt. 28:1-15 - Gives details about Jesus’ execution / crucifixion.

▷ Persecution is the start of everything. The answer of discovering 70 disciples is contained within this.

2. The Answer – Crises are the answer.

1) Ac. 1:1-14 - Holding onto this covenant, they came down to Mark’s upper room.

2) Ac. 11:19 - During this crisis, they held onto the covenant and raised the Church at Antioch.

3) Ac. 12:1-25 - When a bigger crisis came, they prayed with the answers that they had already possessed.

▷ Don’t be afraid of crises. The 70 disciples movement is hidden inside problems, conflicts, and crisis.

3. The Future – The future is contained in crises.

1) Ac. 11:25-26 - A great multitude of disciples gathered.

2) Ac. 13 - Church officers were with Paul and opened the door to missions.

3) Ac. 16 - When the door was blocked, it was the time for Macedonia. Paul met Lydia. The work that arose at that time was the healing of those who were demon-possessed.

4) Ac. 19:21 “I must see Rome also,” “Take courage, you must also testify in Rome,” and “You must stand trial before Caesar.” Don’t be afraid of crises.

5) Ac. 15:23 “I plan to do so when I go to Spain.” It looked like 250 years of persecution, but it was 250 years of conquering Rome.

▷ Those who enjoy the blessings of the throne in God may appear to have problems, conflicts, and crises, but that isn’t true.
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