
2022.1.22 Scattered Disciples - The First Camp - Only (Acts 1:1-8)

The Camp of “Only” - This is the first work that scattered disciples must do.

Ac. 1:1-8 – Jesus spoke about “only.” He said, “Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you...”

▣ Introduction_ The “Only” That Will Save China Is Needed

1. The Gospel that China needs must be spoken.

1) Religious Organizations

2) Church Doctrine Organizations

3) Ideology Organizations

2. China Evangelization (First) - World Evangelization

We must give our devotion for China Evangelization.

3. China is receiving God’s blessings.

▣ Main

1. The Start of “Only” (The Mt. of Olives)

1) Christ - Laws weren’t broken. Christ appeared and proved that He was the Christ.

2) God’s Kingdom – Christ explained God’s Kingdom for forty days.

3) The Holy Spirit – Christ explained how to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.

2. The Content of “Only” (Mark)

1) The Triune God – The works of the Triune God being established took place. (Ac. 1:1, 3, & 8)

2) Ac. 1:14 – Those who possessed this covenant gathered and answers arose.

3) The 3 Feasts – The works of the 3 Feasts arose.

3. The Future of “Only” (The Word)

1) Dreams - Plant dreams.

2) Visions – See visions.

3) The Future – See the future.

▣ Conclusion_ See the distant future.

AD 313, Constantine (250 Years) - Christianity was proclaimed the national religion. That took 250 years. One day, the time schedule to fully proclaim the Gospel in China will come.

▷ China is a very important nation. It must receive God’s blessings. It must become the main figure of world evangelization. We must give devotion through “only.” Next week, we’ll look at “Uniqueness Camp” that’s arising in China.
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