
Sep 05, 2021 Remnant - The Three Stages of Moses’ Life Preparation (Deuteronomy 34:1-12)


▣ Introduction_ What You Absolutely Need to Know

1. Many People Are Suffering from Mental Diseases

– Longstanding

1) Discover “Me” within Darkness (Genesis 3)

2) Discover “My Things” within Darkness (Genesis 6)

3) Try to “Succeed” within Darkness (Genesis 11)

→ Satan uses evil spirits to destroy people.

2. Disasters Came Because Both Egypt and Israel Were Unaware

3. Why Was Moses Utilized? - As a child, he received the blessing of Exodus 2:1-10.

▣ Main_ The Three Stages of Moses’ Life Preparation

1. Palace 40 Years – The Reason for Studying

(Discover: the “Me” Whom God Made, God-Given Things,

and God-Given Field)

1) Studying is necessary, but it isn’t the answer.

- Foundation

2) Received Elite Education

3) Learned about World Cultures

The “Me”

Whom God Made,

My God-Given Things, and

My God-Given


2. Midian 40 Years – Spiritual Preparation

(The time of “no answers” is the most important time.)

1) Recorded the Book of Genesis – He used what he heard from his mother when he was young.

2) Discovered the Covenant of His Family Line

3) Discovered His Personal Covenant

No Answers

3. Wilderness 40 Years – The Path of His Mission

(3 Feasts, Tabernacle, and Enjoyed the Blessing of the Ark of the Covenant)

1) The 10 Miracles Were Fulfilled – The Blessings That You’ll Receive

2) The Miracles of the Wilderness Were Fulfilled

3) The Miracles of Raising the Posterity Were Fulfilled – Joshua and Caleb

The Three Feasts,

Tabernacle, and

The Ark of the Covenant

▣ Conclusion_ A Word for Remnants

- “Unprecedented and Never Again,” Discover That Answer

1. The “Unprecedented and Never Again” Answer Given Only to You

2. The “Unprecedented and Never Again” Answer Given through Church Ministry

3. The “Unprecedented and Never Again” Answer Given

for Your Studies, Occupation, and Business

▷ The Remnant’s Mission – Discover the Three Stages

of Your Life Preparation

By writing down memos as you pray during the week, “unprecedented and never again” answers will come. At that time, you can edit to find what belongs to you, and you can see the plan that shows God’s plan. In the end, the design will arise.
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