
Sep 11, 2021 Core - The Preparation of the Vessel for World Evangelization (Genesis 37:1-11)

The three organizations have quietly conquered the world. You must prepare your vessel. (Gen. 37:1-11)

I usually receive a lot of reports and meet many workers. There’s a common factor among those who won’t succeed. They’ve already planned everything out. Also, a majority of people say that they’re doing things properly; however, they place too many limits. That isn’t correct either.

▣ Introduction_ Absoluteness – God’s Time Schedule

What does God desire right now? Knowing that is absoluteness. Ask this question always, moment by moment, and throughout your life. The term “absoluteness” is the summary of today’s three lectures.

1. You’ll be able to see “24.” (the theme for 2022)

2. By enjoying the blessing of “24,” the answer of “25” will come. (the theme for 2023)

3. Enjoying the mystery of absoluteness is “eternity.” (the theme for 2024)

1) Invest what’s physical for the sake of what’s spiritual.

2) Invest in today for the sake of the future.

3) Invest in what’s temporary for the sake of what’s eternal.

Since everything is included inside of God’s time schedule, you must always ask, “What must I do?”

▣ Main_ Always look at God’s absoluteness of “24,” “25,” and “eternity” and make all preparations.

Because seminary students are the future leaders, they must hold onto God’s absolute plan and prepare their spiritual vessel; hidden vessel; and actual vessel.

1. Prepare a Spiritual Vessel

1) The 7 RTs prepared their spiritual vessels first. (Gen. 41:38 Joseph’s vessel seen through the eyes of an unbeliever.)

2) The Parents of RTs - Jesse sent David to the battlefield and told him to bring back some token.

3) The Leaders of RTs – Relaying what Samuel passed on to David is God’s absolute plan.

2. You’ll be used in the evangelization movement as a hidden vessel. You don’t need “me.”

1) Gen. 45:1-5 “...for God sent me before you to preserve life.” Joseph left out the words that referred to himself.

2) Ex. 4:24 God had said that he needed Moses, then God said that He didn’t.

3) 1 Sam. 3:19 A person who’s been seized by God’s Word. No need to make any assertions.

4) 1 Sam. 16:13 Greatly moved by the Spirit of the Lord.

5) 2 Ki. 2:9-11 “Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.” Not once did he ask for anything physical. The method for RTS students to conquer the world.

6) Dan. 1:8-9 Discover God’s absolute will for being sent here.

7) Phil. 3:1-21 Felt ashamed because his possessions blocked him from realizing Christ; wanted to take possession of things that were in Christ’s hands; desired the goal for the prize of the upward call; knew his citizenship was in Heaven; and knew the name of Jesus Christ that subdued everything.

3. Prepare an Actual Vessel

1) Acts 11:19 A church was established within tribulation. It was the start of missions.

Tribulations, difficulties, and crises are your time schedule. They are your greatest opportunities.

2) Acts 16:6-10 A greater time schedule is when doors are closed.

Acts 16:19-40 Imprisonment was an opportunity to testify as a witness.

3) Acts 19:21, 23:11, & 27:24 Everyone who understood these words received answers.

▣ Conclusion_If the Gospel movement is properly done, you’ll go beyond “24” and “25.”

1. It will remain for all eternity. Saving lives will remain for all eternity. (Saved souls are your crown.)

2. If trivial works are inside of God’s desired time schedule, they’ll remain for all eternity.

3. That place and that day which are inside of both what God absolutely desires and eternity.

▷ Before you graduate, you must hold onto the covenant and edit; plan; and design.
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