
2021.10.02 Study of Evangelism - People Who Healed the 237 Nations (John 1:11-12)


John 1:11 (John 1:9) says that the Jesus came as the light. Verse 12 states, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” It’s a tremendous message. Depending on what you do, works will arise.

▣ Introduction_ The Conditions for Healing the 237 Nations

1. If the Gospel is accurate, the background of the throne will appear and 237 will be possible.

2. This message that is relayed contains a substantial background of the field.

3. Media is the background of globalization.

▣ Main_ Evidences

1. RT 7 – They were equipped with the Gospel, the message, and media.

▷ They were equipped with the covenant, the Gospel, and possessed the absolute conditions to toss into their fields which fulfilled the aspect of media.

Slaves, Captives, Colonized, & Wanderers

– Contained the Gospel, the Message, and Media

2. Paul – He saw what came afterward and carried out those three conditions.

Solely Spoke about "Only" - The Gospel

Went to the Synagogue - Because the synagogue was the most important path to proclaim the message, it was Paul’s most important key.

The Epistles – An Essential Media

3. Martin Luther & John Calvin

1) Romans 1:16-17 - “Only Gospel and Living by Faith”

- Translated the Bible

2) John Calvin deconstructed the Bible theologically. In one sense, that was a message, too.

3) There was political back and forth, so politics was utilized and became a great door to world evangelization.

▣ Conclusion_ Today's Media

▷ Raise a “church” and give contact-free worship during the week that doesn’t coincide with formal worship; instead, give it a special name and have it on another day. Everyone must listen to their pulpit messages from their respective churches.

“Monday Church” (Contact-Free Worship)

The Future Church (Tuesday Worship)

A Specialized Church (Don’t set a day, have worship according to the circumstances.)
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