
2021.10.10 2nd Service - Evangelism Takes Place within God’s Absolute Plan (1 Samuel 3:19)


▷ How must we evangelize? How should we live the remainder of our lives? There are many difficulties and many cautious situations among us. Evangelism is being within God’s absolute plan. Thus, in certain perspectives, it’s difficult, but it’s also easy. If evangelism takes place, all answers will follow. Then, how must believers remain within evangelism?

▣ Introduction_ If evangelists enjoy answers from the present addresses, they’ll undoubtedly see the past and the future.

▷ The Evangelist’s Spiritual Address

- 1 Samuel 3:19 - After having the spiritual experience of hearing God’s voice, none of Samuel’s words fell to the ground.

- The Stream of the Word

1. Genesis 13:18 – Abraham built an altar. He though answers didn’t come right away, accurately enjoying that was faith.

2. Genesis 41:38 – Joseph was inspired by the Spirit of God.

3. Exodus 3:10-20 – The power of Mt. Horeb was revealed.

4. 1 Samuel 3:19 – It was relayed to Samuel.

5. 1 Samuel 16:13 - “And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.”

6. 2 Kings 2:9 “Where I must reside must not be Bethel or Jericho but I must stay here.” (Elisha)

7. Isaiah 6:1-13 – It was relayed exactly to Isaiah.

8. Acts 2:1-47 - The blessing of the covenant was fulfilled.

▷ The Past

- The things of the past don’t disappear; instead, you’ll discover something important. (The Evangelist’s 전Important Path)

1. Restore the Covenant of the Nazarite

2. Lied Down Next to the Ark of the Covenant and Saw Tremendous Works

3. Heard God’s Voice / That will become the evangelist’s important path.

▷ The Future

- You’ll accurately see the works that’ll arise in the future. (Samuel is raised as an unprecedented and never-repeated leader.)

1. The Mizpah Movement – Even if answers aren’t seen right away, they’ll continue to come.

2. During Samuel’s life, wars ceased.

3. Many people glorified God while Samuel was alive.

▣ Main_ What blessings will the Evangelism Committee receive?

1. Evangelism Blocks Spiritual Disasters – Regardless of evangelism fruits, evangelism blocks unseen spiritual disasters. (1 Samuel 3:19)

1) 1 Samuel 4:1-19 - The Ark of the Covenant was taken away, Eli’s two sons died, and Eli died from the shock.

It looks like a great disaster came to Israel, but when one evangelist named Samuel prayed, the work of blocking all disasters arose.

2) Disasters came to all of Philistia which took away the Ark of the Covenant.

3) Restoration of the Ark of the Covenant - Israel returned to the Ark of the Covenant.

2. Evangelism Blocks Crises

1) The Mizpah Movement – Blocked the Crises That Israel Faced

2) The Israelites discarded all idols.

3) 1 Samuel 7:13 – Wars ceased throughout Israel. All crises were prevented.

3. Evangelism Is God's Absolute Plan to Save Souls

1) 1 Samuel 3:1-19 – God’s Word begins to arise.

2) 1 Samuel 7:13 – All wars completely ceased.

3) 1 Samuel 7:15 – During Samuel’s lifetime, he judged Israel in peace.

▷ The evangelist’s present address is inside the Spirit of God and in His inspired power. If you always enjoy prayer, you can clearly see the future. It’s neither an auditory illusion or a visual illusion, but seen only as an answer. When you do the “prayer 24,” God will do the rest.

▣ Conclusion_ Evangelism Changes Fate and Destiny

1. The Fate and Destiny of an Individual Change

2. The Fate and Destiny of the Family Line Change

3. The Fate and Destiny of the Nation Change – Our miserable nation rapidly changed after the Gospel entered.
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