
2021.10.17 2nd Service - What Nobody Teaches (1 Samuel 16:15-23)

▷ The title of the answer that you’ll receive today cannot be taught by anyone. God has given you what no one in the world can teach. It should have been, “Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in his name, He gave the authority to become children of God” but He said that He gave you “the right.” So, you can do what nobody else can do which is to enjoy this power.

▣ Introduction_ The Enjoyment of Your Right

1. King Saul – Demon-Possessed (The Spirit of the Lord departed, and an evil spirit allowed by the Lord came.)

1) Many Politicians

2) Specialists

3) Doctors

2. The One Who Possessed the Covenant - The above people cannot be healed. God did not fix it with His covenant; instead, He healed them through the power of those who had the covenant.

3. Now

1) The U.S. - Nephilim

Many are possessed by demons. Mental patients can get help from doctors, but they cannot cure those who are demon-possessed. The three organizations are working in earnest to make people become demon-possessed. They have established a university where people can go to do transcendental meditation while holding Nephilim events. BTS also graduated from there. Demon-possessed people are doing things that the church cannot even dream of.

Europe – Gay groups have completely dominated the atmosphere.

2) Japan - A lot of people talk to themselves on the street because they are completely haunted. There are many people who don’t reveal their afflictions, but are seized by demon culture and cannot live normal social lives. Approximately 80 percent of people don't make eye contact.

3) 237 – It also quite serious in Korea and the 237 nations.

▣ Main_ Using Authority (David not only enjoyed it, but he also used it.)

1. The Reason- (He knew the reason.)

1) The Cause – Gen. 3, 6, & 11 – People: Demon-Possessed & Spiritual Problems – Don’t Know Why

2) Struggle – Ac. 13, 16, & 19 - Shamans; Fortune-Tellers; and Idol Worshipers – People Seek Other Religions and Churches – Struggle / Attend Church – w/o Gospel – Same as Other Religions

3) Unspeakable Problems – Fallen into 6 Types of Fate & Destiny – Seized by Satan – Fallen into Idolatry – Mental and Physical Diseases – Live w/ Background of Hell – Children Live the Same Lives

2. The Answer

1) God-Given Authority

- Gen. 3:15 - “The offspring of the woman will crush the head of the serpent.”

- Ex. 3:18 – Placed Blood of the Lamb – Authority of Darkness Was Bound

- 1 Sa. 16:13 - “And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.”

2) Power (When God-Given Power Comes Upon You)

- 1 Sa. 16:23 - While praising, the evil spirit attached to Saul departed. That was not unique to David, it took place all the time. Martin Luther was a man of praise. When you praise during worship, evil spirits depart. .

3. Answers Regarding the Future

1) Powerful Nations - Knew the future of the Philistines.

2) Idolatry - There are a lot of prophecies in the Bible regarding idolatry.

3) Israel – There was prophesy regarding what happened to the Israelites who possessed the Gospel, yet couldn’t enjoy it.

▷ Whenever talks about these three destructions took place, God said that the world would be restored through those who knew the answers that no one could teach. You must have eyes to see this.

▷ Before proceeding with church construction, 237; healing; and Summit must be properly prepared. Instead of a large facility, the content is more important. A lighting and broadcasting system suitable for 237 should be prepared.

▣ Conclusion_ Filled with Authority

▷ The evil spirit that was driven out of King Saul will come again when the opportunity arises, but not for David. There was no use in returning. This is important. Make Satan completely kneel!

1. RT 7 – Made Satan Completely Kneel

Joseph's brothers and Potiphar thought that Joseph would take revenge, but Joseph became a mighty world governor and said, "God sent me ahead."

2. David – Even though King Saul tried to kill David, he didn't bat an eye and made Satan fall to his knees.

3. The Early Church – The Early Church completed this.

▷ Those who think that nothing is going right or taking place, have something they really need to do. Answers will come as much as you are set in your heart and in prayer.
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