
2021.10.24 1st Service - Young David’s Confession of Faith (1 Samuel 17:42-47)

▣ Introduction_The covenant that you hold onto will save the world.

▷ When I was in the graduating class of seminary, a strange deacon from my village suddenly became an ordained pastor. Seeing that, I asked God a question “There are so many pastors out there, do I have to be one as well?” In my heart, God answered, “There are many pastors, yet, the number of churches and believers are decreasing.” At that time, I resolved, “I will become a pastor who preaches ‘only Gospel’ for ‘only world evangelization.’” God led me to meet all of you, and we have come this far.

1. Hannah initially prayed an incorrect prayer. – “Peninnah has a son, why don’t I?” Still, no answer.

2. Then one day, Hannah realized. – She didn’t need a son for her own sake or for her own future. She began praying for a Nazarite.

3. The prayer of one woman who held to the covenant changed the world. – Within this, Samuel was born.

▷ All of you probably sitting here giving worship and devotion probably don’t believe that you can change the world. However, I’m confident that if your devotion is aligned with the covenant, it’ll change the world.

1) Samuel realized a great covenant in the midst of prayer.

2) From that day on, not a single word that Samuel spoke fell to the ground. (1 Samuel 3:19)

3) One person who knew prayer blocked all disasters.

▷ This covenant that all of you hold onto will save the world. Most people hold onto the wrong covenant. Don't worry, correctly hold onto the covenant

▣ Main_ Samuel knew what prayer was. If someone with the Gospel realizes prayer, with that, it’s finished. What does it mean to know prayer?

1. When Samuel prayed, the answers from Heaven came upon him.

1) While Samuel was lying down by the Ark of the Covenant, he heard God’s voice three times. (1 Samuel 3:1- 19) - He received the blessing of the throne.

▷ The Bible states that Jesus will be with you with the blessing of the heavenly throne. Matthew 28:16-20, “I will be with you always, with all authority in heaven and on earth.” This is a blessing that comes to those who know prayer. Mark 16:19-20 records that when the disciples went out to preach, the Lord, who is seated at the throne of Heaven, began to work. The people of the world do not know this blessing, so of course they fight. But the problem is that believers shouldn't be like that. If you lay everything down today; hold onto the covenant; and if you realize prayer, the blessings of the throne will come. However, people don't believe this. That’s why the Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant, the sons of the priest Eli were killed, and even the priest Eli who heard that news died. You need to know how terrifying unbelief is.

2) For the Philistines who took the Ark of the Covenant, they faced continuous disasters. At that time, Samuel prayed. - This was the transcendence of time and space. Samuel prayed after the Ark of the Covenant was taken when no one else prayed. You should know that one person’s prayer can shake the forces of darkness. This is a person who knows about prayer.

3) Samuel grew up and led in the Mizpah movement. – He shined the 237 light.

▷ When you pray, works are unseen. It is the time when the throne moves and the time when the light of the whole world that transcends time and space shines.

2. When Samuel prayed, what works took place on earth?

1) During Samuel’s lifetime, wars ceased. (1 Sam. 7:13)

2) During Samuel’s lifetime, there was peace throughout the land. (1 Sam. 7:14)

3) During Samuel’s lifetime, all who saw Samuel served

the Lord. (1 Sam. 7:15).

▷ Those who know the prayer that truly enjoys the Gospel will move Heaven and earth.

3. This blessing was relayed to David. – 1 Sam. 16:13 - Like Samuel, the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.

1) The works of enjoying the 100-year answer arose. – David wrote numerous psalms ever since he was young, had the power of praise that was powerful enough to drive out evil spirits, and had both faith and skills.

2) The works of blocking crisis arose. – The stone that David threw which felled Goliath was held in God’s mighty hand. No matter how small and insignificant the things that you possess may seem, if they’re held in God’s powerful hands, they can bring about great works.

3) The accurate Gospel and prayer was taught to one person and that left behind the 1,000-year answer. – Temple construction arose through David.

▷ When one woman correctly held onto the covenant, God gave the answer to save the world. Whenever problems arise, don't make excuses; instead, correctly hold onto the covenant. If you make excuses, you won't receive answers. Don't resent; instead, correctly hold onto the covenant. All 7 Remnants started from nothing. That one woman gave birth to Samuel. Because Samuel also realized quickly, he moved the throne. He relayed the blessing of blocking all disasters on earth. This power emerged from David's prayer. It didn't end there, Samuel raised another generation.

▣ Conclusion_ Young David’s Confession of Faith (1 Samuel 17:1-47)

▷ It wasn't that Goliath just appeared and mocked Israel. He mocked the Lord. This is what happens when you lose hold of the Gospel and prayer. Goliath was calling for someone who believed in God to come out and fight him, but no one went out. David heard those words and said that he would fight.

1. Young David’s Confession before His Angry Brothers – 1 Sam. 17:29, “Is there not a cause?” (KJV) He was a person who knew prayer and the covenant.

2. “You’re just a young boy. There’s no armor that fits you. How can you defeat a warrior?” They seemed like correct words. However, before King Saul, who spoke of words of destruction, and didn’t know God and prayer, David confessed, “The Lord delivered me from the paw of the lion and the bear, he will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine who defies the Lord.”

3. Young David’s Confession before Goliath – “You come to me with a sword and a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts...All the earth may know that there is a God in Israel...This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will...cut off your head.”

▷ The people who worry the most are those who have no future. No matter how old some people are, they have a future. Conversely, there are young people who have no future. A lot of things are changing at headquarters these days. Look toward the future. Why did God send you here? Look toward the future. God will raise remarkable works. You must restore the power of prayer. In doing so, anyone can receive these answers.

4. Young David’s Confession after Victory - “I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite.”
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