
2021.11.7 Remnant - The Power That High School Seniors Must Have (2 Kings 2:9-11)

Energy That Will Last Throughout Your Life – Life Lines

(2 Kinds)

Prayer - Spiritual Aspects Are Revived

Breathing – The Body Is Revived (The Brain)

Ge. 2:7, Eze. 37:1-10, Jn. 20:22, & 1 Co. 12:13

▷ There’s a strength that Remnants must have. If they have this power, they can move the world. Elisha asked for it. Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, and Elijah all had this power. Jesus also said, “If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you will receive power.”

▣ Introduction

1. The Things That Are Urgent

1) Deep Prayer - Enter quiet and deep prayer. In the midst of quiet, God gave His Word.

2) Deep Breathing

3) Deep Meditation – Deep Meditation and Studying

▷ If you do this for 24 hours, tremendous power will be revealed. If you don't know deep prayer; deep breathing; and deep meditation, you’re just like an animal. If you don't do this, then you'll get sick all over. Your brain and your spiritual state will become weak.

2. Long-Term Decision - Choose what will work well.

1) Summit Time – Prepare your “Summit Time” now.

(1) Ge. 1:27 – This amazing blessing will be established in you.

(2) Heb. 4:12 – It will be established in your soul.

2) Summit Strategy - Choose the part where you can become the best in the future.

3) Summit Answer - Deciding your major and what you must do will determine your life.

3. The Choice to Make Your Life's Greatest Resolution

1) Discover talents that are worth staking your life. - “The ‘Me’ Whom God Made”

2) Expertise that’s worth staking your life will surface.

- “My God-Given Things”

3) Discover the field to saves lives. - “My God-Given Field” 

▣ Main_ The Three Movements

1. Mt. Horeb Movement

1) 1 Ki. 19:1-8 – Elijah thought it was over, but God sent His angel.

2) 1 Ki. 19:18 – Elijah thought that he was the only one left, but God left behind 7,000 disciples.

3) 1 Ki. 19:19-21 – He thought that people were looking to take his life, but God had prepared Elisha.

Elisha said, "Give me a double portion of Spirit."

2. The Jordan Movement

1) 2 Ki. 2:1-8 - He passed through several places, but he didn't give up.

2) 2 Ki. 2:9 - He asked for a double portion of Spirit right before they crossed the Jordan.

3) 2 Ki. 2:10-11 - He was given tremendous power as they crossed Jordan.

3. The Dothan Movement

1) 2 Ki. 6:6-11 - Elisha knew the movements of the Aram army in advance. (Spiritual Identity)

2) 2 Ki. 6:14-17 – The Aram army came to kill Elisha, but the armies of Heaven were more than the Aram army. (Spiritual Background)

3) 2 Ki. 6:18-23 - The Lord blinded the eyes of the Aram army. The king of Israel said, "Shall I strike them down?" However, Elisha spared their lives and prepared a feast for them. (Spiritual Authority)

▣ Conclusion

The 9 Settings

▷ Study to have the “9 Settings” and leave behind those masterpieces.

It doesn’t matter what college you attend. Choose the talents given by God and the things that God will raise you to be.

Remnants, don't worry even a little: instead enjoy the power that begins now regarding the strength they’ll enjoy throughout their lives.
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