
2021.11.28 1st Service - Three Preparations (Isaiah 62:6-12)

▷ The Israelites was enslaved by Egypt. They faced many wars and calamities. In today’s passage, Isaiah prophesied that the Israelites would be taken as captives. The mystery to overcome those obstacles have been revealed. What did God say?

▣ Introduction_ Become the watchman who prays 24 hours every day. Those who understood these words went into Babylon and completely triumphed. (Daniel, 3 Young Men, and Esther)

1. Restore the Watchman’s Mission.

1) All day and night, put the Lord in remembrance, and give Him no rest.

2) One person is all He needs (The Evangelist’s Confession).

3) The Reason for Your Hardships and the World’s Difficulties – Captives to Satan

2. Hold onto God’s Word and begin the Watchman’s Prayer – Watchmen guard and protect the city. Bind the forces of darkness with prayer. Solely pray toward Jehovah God. This is the watchman’s prayer.

1) Daniel believed in this covenant.

(1) The moment he was taken as captive, he resolved. (Daniel 1:8-9). He knelt before the Lord in prayer three times a day,

(2) Daniel faced death because of conspirators, but knowing that the document was signed, knowing that he would die, he continued to kneel before God in prayer three times a day, in thanksgiving. (Daniel 6:10)

2) Esther knew this prayer and confessed, “If I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16)

3) The three young men held onto this covenant, even if God wouldn’t save them. (Daniel 3:1-26)

3. The Watchman’s Method – What the Evangelist Found in the Bible

1) Morning (As Soon as You Open Your Eyes...until You Meet People) – Turn All Thoughts into Prayer

2) Day (Conferences, Worship, and Meetings) – Turn Everything That You See into Prayer

3) Night (When I’m Alone) – Do the Prayer of Organizing the Message

▷ You’ll receive the answers of “237, healing, and Summit.”

▣ Main – The Watchman of Three Things

1. The Watchman Who Enjoys the Watchtower of the Throne

1) Isaiah 62:6 - “O Jerusalem!”

2) Set watchmen on the city walls. This is the watchtower. How? It must be all day and all night.

3) Your soul comes to life. – Genesis 1:27 - God’s Image; Genesis 2:7 – The Breath of Life; Genesis 2:1-18 – The Blessings of the Garden of Eden. When these are planted, life is restored. These works don’t arise unless someone with the Gospel prays. Build this kind of watchtower.

2. Stand as the Watchman Who Prepares the Way – Build a highway. Clear the stones.

1) When you protect the watchtower of the power of the Triune God, you can prepare the way.

2) When you have the “9 Settings,” you can make the path.

3) When you have an antenna to communicate with God, the path opens before you. You must enjoy this blessing.

3. Lift a signal over the peoples. Become the watchman of the platform where many will come to life.

1) The entire world is dying. Raise a banner for the nations.

2) The U.S. and Europe is full of people on drugs and people suffering with mental illness.

3) Children in developing nations wander the streets because they don’t go to school. Prepare a highway and raise a banner for the nations. You must stand as this kind of watchman.

▣ Conclusion_ Isaiah 62:7 - “Until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth.” Looking at your work, unbelievers will say, “The Lord is alive and with you!” With that, it’s over. Pharaoh saw Joseph and confessed, “Surely the Lord is with you, and you are a man full of the Spirit!” There’s no other answer greater than that. Thus, begin the watchman’s prayer.

1. After early morning prayer, I prayed alone. I prayed and recorded the Word in a journal.

2. Then, I began to designate time to pray. But I kept forgetting.

3. So, I began 24-hour prayer. I connected every thought, everything that I saw, and everything that I heard to prayer. Every year, God has continuously given me answers to save the world.
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