2021.12.11 BIM - First Opportunity, Last Opportunity, Eternal Opportunity (2Ti 3:14-17)
Many Sunday Schools have closed their doors. In the missions fields, works that are centered on children can be seen. so, many aspects must be renewed. Starting next year, Remnants will be called to attend church on Saturdays in order to do concentrated training. There’s a need to change the systems of missions schools, day care centers, nurseries, kindergartens, and EMS. Don’t focus too much on the administration and budget. Instead, focus on how to save the children. Children haven’t heard the Gospel. This is the first opportunity. The day when they leave your care becomes the last opportunity. When these children receive the accurate Gospel, then it becomes an eternal opportunity. The Bible testifies that. In 2 Timothy, “From your youth, you knew the Scriptures. You have gained wisdom that fulfills salvation. You have received the Word of God that makes you whole.” That’s why Timothy was different.
▣ Introduction_ Three points not being relayed to children.
1. The Complete Gospel - The complete Gospel isn’t being imprinted in children.
2. Prayer – Proper prayer isn’t being taught.
3. Talent → Evangelization – Talents are given by God.
▣ Main_ Future Camp, Prayer Camp, and Talent Camp
▷ Next year, these will take place in earnest.
1. Future Camp – Remnants Who Know Genuine Tears
1) 2 Tim. 1:3-5 – Knew the Future
2) 2 Tim. 2:1-7 – A Spiritual Soldier, an Athlete, and a Farmer – Always Enjoyed
3) 2 Tim. 3:1-13 – Suffering and Destruction will come.
2. Prayer Camp (Content) – Knows the most important content.
1) The Trinity – The Triune God and the “5 Powers”
2) The “9 Settings” - Within our souls, the “9 Settings” of the blessing of the Throne must be set.
3) The “3 Ages” -Beyond the amazing blessing of unprecedented and never-repeated, the “3 Ages” exist.
3. Talent Camp (Challenge) – Save the Age and Challenge
1) God’s Mystery That Fulfills Salvation
2) Wisdom
3) Entirely
▣ Conclusion_ Do it in secret.
▣ Introduction_ Three points not being relayed to children.
1. The Complete Gospel - The complete Gospel isn’t being imprinted in children.
2. Prayer – Proper prayer isn’t being taught.
3. Talent → Evangelization – Talents are given by God.
▣ Main_ Future Camp, Prayer Camp, and Talent Camp
▷ Next year, these will take place in earnest.
1. Future Camp – Remnants Who Know Genuine Tears
1) 2 Tim. 1:3-5 – Knew the Future
2) 2 Tim. 2:1-7 – A Spiritual Soldier, an Athlete, and a Farmer – Always Enjoyed
3) 2 Tim. 3:1-13 – Suffering and Destruction will come.
2. Prayer Camp (Content) – Knows the most important content.
1) The Trinity – The Triune God and the “5 Powers”
2) The “9 Settings” - Within our souls, the “9 Settings” of the blessing of the Throne must be set.
3) The “3 Ages” -Beyond the amazing blessing of unprecedented and never-repeated, the “3 Ages” exist.
3. Talent Camp (Challenge) – Save the Age and Challenge
1) God’s Mystery That Fulfills Salvation
2) Wisdom
3) Entirely
▣ Conclusion_ Do it in secret.