
2022 New Year's Prayer Worship Lec. 1~3 and Prayer Card

Lecture 1 My 24 Hours

(Acts 1:8-14)

Acts 1:1-14 – Jesus - Explained God’s Kingdom & Its Works – 40 Days / “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses.”

My 24 – Receive Answers - It’s over. / To Save Everyone - Save Yourself First

Losing Hold of Myself (Lost) | The Me Who Discovers Myself | The 3 Organizations (3, 6, & 11)

Throne in Me - “My 24”

Gal. 2:20 (Christ in Me), 1 Cor. 3:16 (God’s Temple), & 2 Cor. 7:15 (New Creation)

▣ Introduction

1. The Blessing of the Throne

1) The Trinity - 5 Powers 2) The 9 Powers of the Throne

3) The Blessing of the 3 Ages

2. Witnesses – RT7, Hebrews 11, The Early Church

3. Problems – Answers, Conflicts – Renewal, Crises - Chance

Nothing – Everything (With nothing, you’ll save everything.)

Nobody – Everybody (Without help, you’ll save many people.)

▣ Main_ Preparation

1. The Absolute Time (Schedule) Will Come

1) Ge. 39:1-6 – A Slave 2) 1 Sam. 17:1-17 – Goliath Appeared

3) Dan. 1:8-9 – Captives - Resolved

4) Ac. 1:1, 3, & 8 - “The Works of God’s Kingdom” Become Witnesses - End of the Earth

Problem – Anxiety & Preview

2. The Absolute Answer Will Come Works & Events – Accident / Event

1) Persecution - “Absolute Answer”

2) Ac. 7:1-60 - Stephen’s Death - A great work arose.

3) Ac. 11:19 - (Tribulations → Church at Antioch), Ac. 13:1 (Threat of Death → Door - World Missions), Ac. 16:6-10 - (Closed Doors → Macedonia), & Ac. 19:21 - (A Greater Persecution → Rome)

3. The Absolute Masterpiece Given by God

Those Who Remained – Without Any Help

1) Hebrews 11 (Heb. 11:38) - “Those whom the world was not worthy of.”

2) Peter (1 Pet. 2:9) - A Royal Priesthood & Prophet

3) Paul (Rom. 16:25-27) - “Revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages.”

▣ Conclusion_ Three Enjoyments

1. A Platform – God’s Throne All People - Until All People → Not a Problem

2. A Watchtower - Shine the Light - Until Everything → Not a Problem

3. An Antenna – That is you. - All Fields → Not Afraid → Connected

Lecture 2 Church 24 Hours

(Acts 2:1-4)

▣ Introduction_ 「Church 24 Hours」 - Enjoying the Works of God’s Kingdom

1. Those Who Saw Calvary (Jn. 19:30) – The Beginning

Christ finished everything at Calvary.

2. Those - Dispatched from the Olive Garden

1) The Throne 2) The Future – A Mission 3) Assurance

3. People - Dispatched from Mark's Upper Room

Inside of Problems - God’s Answers; Conflicts - God’s Renewal; Crises - God’s Opportunity

A“5 Time Schedules,” “5 Doors,” & “5 Powers” – 후대 살리기 위하여

Shadow; Field; & Future Path of the Throne

Throne within Me, Power of the Throne - Worship, & Throne - Posterity & Future

▣ Conclusion_ The Posterity - The 3 Field Yards

1. Future Camp - 237

2. Prayer Camp - Prayer

3. Talent Camp - Children

3, 9, 3 – Accept & Relay - Tremendous Blessings Spoken by God

▷ Remnants - Teach Them - Future & Prayer / Talents / Healing - Strength & Power, Spiritual Power, & “5 Powers.”

▣ Main_ Things That Follow

1. The Economy of Light

1) Ac. 2:9-11 (Businesspeople – 15 Nations), 2:43-45 (Offering), & 4:36-37 (Land)

2) Ac. 9:36-43 (Tabitha), 10:1-45 (Simon a Tanner), and 16:15 (Lydia)

3) Ro. 16:23 – Host of the Entire Church

2. The Healing Movement

1) Ac. 3:1-12 – The Lame Man 2) Ac. 8:4-8 – Samaria

3) Ac. 13, 16, & 19 - Shamans, Fortune-Tellers, and Idol Worshipers

3. The Summit Movement

1) Synagogue 2) Lecture Hall 3) Market place

▷ You Live – Everything Lives - “My 24 Hours.” Early Church received answers. - Rome was saved. That’s the blessing of the throne relayed to the posterity. That’s the church. To the Field - That’s “Field 24 Hours.”

Lecture 3 The Field 24 Hours

(Acts 11:19)

• 2 Greatest Promises - Bible - Salvation & the Throne

• 3 Promises - Blessing of the Throne

My 24 Hours – Blessing of the Throne - Me

Church 24 Hours – Blessing of the Throne – Gather & Worship

Field 24 Hours – Blessing of the Throne - Finances & Economy of Light

▣ Introduction_ Prayer - Enjoy Me, Church, & Field 24 Hours

1. Prayer - Receive Answers First

1) The Trinity – 5 Powers 2) The 9 Powers - Throne

3) The 3 Ages

2. Eyes

1) The Time Schedule - Restore the Gospel – Path Opens

2) An Answer – WIO, OURS, & 24; 25; & 00

3) 237, Healing, & the Summit – Establish Contact through Contact-Free

3. The Standard

Ex. 24:17 (9), Num. 11:16, Jdgs. 8:30, 2 Ki. 10:1, Ezk. 8:11, Lk. 10:1- 10 Ac. 1:1-15, 6:1-7, 11:19, & 12:1-25

▣ Main_ 3 Answers

1. My Business – 70 Disciples Movement

1) Jethro & Rahab 2) Hidden Disciples (David) 3) Obadiah

4) Daniel (Dan. 6:10) 5) Gaius

2. Positon – 70 Regions Movement

1) Apostles (Pastors) - Centered on: Pulpit & Worship

2) Church Officers – Centered on: Field & Evangelism

3) RTs & Associate Pastors – Centered on: Future / World Parish & Great Parish – System for World Evangelization

3. The Last Movement – 70 Regions Globalization Movement

1) Moses (Ex. 3:1-20), Elijah (1 Ki. 19:1-21)

2) 1 Sam. 7:1-15 Mizpah Movement

3) Ac. 1:11 (Men of Galilee) & Onesimus

▣ Conclusion_ The Throne (Practice)

1. Morning (Wake up / Alone) – All Thoughts - Answers, Renewal, & Opportunities / Scheduled Prayer

2. Afternoon (Meetings) - See & Hear – Continuous Prayer

3. Night – Organize – Deep Prayer (Concentrated Prayer)
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